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Anadolu karikatrcler Dernei ve Kaplanlar Soutma Bursada yeni bir Uluslararas Karikatr yarmasna ortaklk ediyorlar.EVRE ve SOUTMA konulu yarmaya son katlm: 31 Aralk 2017.Aada yarma koularn greceksiniz.

1-KONU: evre ve Soutma
2-SON BAVURU: 31 Aralk 2017
3-KATILIM: En fazla 3 karikatr ile katlabilir. Karikatrler 300 dpi. jpg formatnda A-4 ebatnda cartoon@kaplanlar.com adresine gnderilmelidir.
4-Gnderilen karikatrler yaynlanm olabilir ancak baka bir yarmada dl almam olmaldr. alnt ve benzerlik tespiti iin gnderilen karikatrler 02-09 Ocak 2018 tarihleri arasnda https://www.facebook.com/kaplanlar soutma hesabnda yaynlanacaktr. Bu tarihten sonra yaplacak itirazlar dikkate alnmayacaktr.
5-Yarmaya gnderilen karikatrleri Kaplanlar Soutma afi, kitap, bror, albm, kartpostal, davetiye, blten, takvim, sergi vs gibi alanlarda ticari olmamak kayd ile kullanabilecektir. Yarmaya karikatr gnderen sanatlar bu artlar kabul etmi saylr.
6-JUR: Ahmet Aykanat , Mehmet Kahraman , Cneyt enyava , Halit Kurtulmu ,Krat Zaman ve Kaplanlar Soutmadan 4 temsilci
7-DLLER: 1. Karikatre 1.000 USD
2.Karikatre 750 USD
3.Karikatre 500 USD
Mansiyon dl 250 USD
Mansiyon dl 250 USD
Mansiyon dl 250 USD
ada Yaam Destekleme Dernei zel dl (Plaket)
Anadolu Karikatrcler Dernei zel dl ( Plaket)
8-SONULAR: 16.01.2018 gn aklanacaktr.
Organizasyon Sorumlusu: Derya Snmez
Tel: + 90 224 261 05 73 (667)
E-mail: dsonmez@kaplanlar.com



Theme: Environment and Climate Change

Driven by technological development and economic growth, our world is subject to constant changes. The problems of global warming, deforestation, extinction of plant and animal species, depletion of natural resources and pollution are all associated with these changes, issues which threaten life on the planet, its nature and our future.
Aware of the changes since it was founded, Kaplanlar Refrigeration has always striven to develop eco-friendly products and services, to reduce carbon footprints and support sustainable living. In fact, we believe that the cooling and refrigeration sector can make a positive contribution to the challenge of getting climate change under control.
Therfore, with the aim of keeping the public's attention focussed on environmental issues, Kaplanlar Refrigeration announces its 'International Cartoon Competition' on the theme of 'Environment and Climate Change.'

2. Participation Deadline: December 31, 2017

3. Participation: Each participant may submit up to 3 works. The works should be in 300-dpi jpg format and in A4 size (21x29.7 cm). The works should be sent to cartoon@kaplanlar.com
4. The cartoons may have been published before but they should not have been awarded in any other contest. In order to identify plagiarization and similarity, the cartoons sent are going to be published on the Facebook account of Kaplanlar Refrigeration: https://www.facebook.com/kaplanlarsogutma between the dates 2-9 January 2018. The objections raised after these dates are not going to be taken into consideration.

5. By participating in this competition, the artists who have sent their works to the competition are going to be deemed to have accepted that they have given all rights of use of their works (such as poster, newsletter, TV commercial, internet, exhibition, invitation, brochure, calendar, CD, DVD, video etc.) to Kaplanlar Refrigeration Industry and Trade Inc. on condition that they are not going to be used for commercial purposes.

6. Jury Members:
Ahmet Aykanat (Cartoonist)
Mehmet Kahraman (Cartoonist)
Cneyt enyava (Cartoonist)
Halit Kurtulmu (Cartoonist)
Krat Zaman (Cartoonist)
Kaplanlar Refrigeration Industry and Trade Inc. Representatives (4 persons)
7. Prizes:
1st prize: $ 1.000
2nd prize: $ 750
3rd prize: $ 500
Honourable Mention: $ 250
Honourable Mention: $ 250
Honourable Mention: $ 250
Association for Supporting Contemporary Life, YDD Special Prize (Award Plaque)
Anatolian Cartoonists Association Special Prize (Award Plaque)
8. The results of the competition are going to be declared on 16 January 2018

9. Contact Information:
Person in charge of the organization: Mrs Derya Snmez
Tel: + 90 224 2610573 (667) E-mail: dsonmez@kaplanlar.com

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